Haniya for HEMS! – SU Election 2021

By Haniya Syed – Greetings fellow students! I am Haniya Syed, I am an MSc Public Health student at ARU Cambridge. I am also the course-rep for my course and sub-editor for…

By Haniya Syed

Greetings fellow students!

I am Haniya Syed, I am an MSc Public Health student at ARU Cambridge. I am also the course-rep for my course. For the two months, I was at the uni (COVID right?) I did as much as I could and I enjoyed it. I became the course-rep to address the problems my cohort were having in reference to their academics and it was seen through. During the time I was associated with the course as a rep and as a student, I’ve come across some issues that need to be addressed for the betterment of the students and the university. That is the reason I have decided to run for the VP HEMS. Since HEMS is my faculty and I am more familiar with the workings of the department, I think I am a very good candidate for HEMS and for the students of the university. So! here is a summary of my plan for the faculty of HEMS, otherwise known as the election manifesto.

I have spent most of my course in online classes so believe me I know the situation at hand and these are the main things I would like to improve:

1. Accountability and Transparency :

The faculty has to be brought to account in case students face any sort of issue with the course or any member of the staff in particular. I will provide my full support and make your problem mine. If a student wants to give anonymous feedback, I will respect it and I will be the voice. No student should feel under pressure or stress out because they can’t voice their concern. The university will be transparent with its decisions and accountable to any questions asked by the students. Faculty and student forums to be encouraged and made more public for more participation. 

2. Improved research and innovation opportunities: 

HEMS includes doctors, nurses and scientists; health professionals and social care professionals who work for the healthcare of society and should thus be up to date with the latest research and innovative technology which I would strongly endorse. To bring more research opportunities into the university would not only benefit the students but also would raise ARU as a pioneering research institute. More exposure to modern technological innovations in the field of medicine and healthcare including artificial intelligence would be a major step towards excellence of the students and the university.

3. Prioritising and addressing mental health concerns:

My priority is to reduce the factors affecting the mental health of the students. Providing support for mental health concerns is always there, but I would like to reduce the chances of students getting stressed academically and by university factors. Addressing student concerns and signposting them to the right person can reduce mental health concerns by a margin and I pledge to do everything in my power to make the university experience less stressful.

4.  More financial support, increased temp job opportunities and scholarships:

More financial support and funds to make finance less difficult. Making students aware of the employability options provided by the university and increasing scholarship options.

5. “Meet the heroes”: 

During the current pandemic crises, we saw a lot of people rise above and beyond to protect the country from this dreadful situation. More interaction with the allied health professionals, public health specialists, medical officers, scientists, who made everything that is today, possible. The students can benefit a great deal from their experience and head towards a better future.

6. Tutoring; student-student or student-teacher:

The students in HEMS are not only students but nurses and carers with jobs and of a wide age spectrum. Sometimes these students need a bit of an extra nudge to stay up to date with the studies and the digital technology used for teaching. A session with a fellow student who would volunteer or a student-teacher session can be arranged and set up. Students and faculty can sign up for the programme and can work around the student’s schedule. 

7. “Support system”

Accommodation, food, travel, university issues, study skills, canvas, online lectures, assignments or just a friendly ear, I am here to help in any way I can, particularly for the international students who are away from home and need a friend. University can be a difficult time but hey! THE SUPPORT IS HERE!!

8. Equality:

Bullying, harassment, abuse of any kind or discrimination on the basis of race, colour, gender, nationality or unfair treatment will not be tolerated and the students can come to me with any problem or if they feel discriminated against. There is no place for such things in the university and I will personally handle such issues and it will be sorted regardless of whether the person in question is a student or a member of faculty. My idea is to turn the university into a place of equal opportunities and well, a fun place to study.

9. Sustainibility: 

I would do my part in making the campus more sustainable and plastic free. I will also organise more community-based projects to endorse the same.

As Margaret Thatcher once said ” you turn if you want to. The lady’s not for turning”. So vote for me, Haniya Syed, for the vice-president of HEMS and give your thought a voice. Together we can reform HEMS and the university.

See you on the other side 🙂

Images: Element5 on Unsplash and Haniya Syed.

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